During the project individual steps of the vision screening method are developed, tested and reflected in two conferences - the 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia Human Physiology and Perception section on February 11, 2022,  and University of Latvia Optometry and Visions Science Department and Latvian Association of Optometrists and Opticians (LOOA)  conference on 13 February 2022. Researchers and involved students performed outstanding work to get the first measurements and understand the nuances of proposed screening method, as also to provide the roadmap to develop norms of screening method. Due to restrictions on organizing public events in the country, both events took place on a zoom platform, which allowed a wide range of specialists, students and other interested parties to connect from remote locations of Latvia and learn not only about the vision screening project, but also learn more on other research topics in the Department of Optometry and Vision Science.
